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Library Trustee Minutes12/13/2010

James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330

Board of Trustees Meeting
December 13th, 2010

Attendance: Trustees- Colleen Giffin, Ron Haggett, Molly Moore Lazar, Margaret Warner

Director- Kathryn Chisholm              Patrons and Historical Society Members-Thelma Nichols, Missy Taylor

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was approved as presented.

Minutes of November 8th, 2010 were approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report:
  • Ron Haggett gave the Treasurer’s report for November.
Library Director’s Report:

  • Kathy shared her report.
Information items:

  • Friends of the Library-Regarding the dollhouse raffle, the trustees are wondering how the friends would like to spend their profit.
  • Area Trustees meeting
Old Business:

  • The trustees voted to amend the Personnel Policy by changing the annual staff evaluations to include: at the end of their three month orientation period, and thereafter  within the time period of  July 1 to August 31.
  • Budget update – no more has been heard yet from the selectmen regarding the proposed 2011 budget.
New Business

  • Festival of Trees – Missy Taylor and Thelma Nichols came to express their gratitude for the support that the staff and trustees gave them during the Festival of Trees event. They are excited about the response. The Historical Society is planning already for next year with a possible gala the night before to help cover costs. The Trustees are in agreement.
  • Holiday/Vacation policies – The trustees have voted that they will go with the town’s policies regarding holiday and vacation time.
Next meeting date:  January 10, 2011